Season 7 is a wrap! It was an awesome season, filled with incredible guests: Shonda Broom, Martine Pierre, Willa of Highly Human, Calan of 69andsunny, Danielle Simone Brand, Stephanie Kerns, Yanina and Melanie of Love You Three, Joan Parrott-Fonseca, Derek Chase, and more.
And now…our 8th and final season begins with Jamie London Wollberg of Wake-In, who talks about the lack of inclusion in the cannabis industry, and shares a couple of personal stories to reflect the ableism.
Other fun stuff:
We’ll soon publish fun content here that has nothing to do with our podcast but will illustrate our personalities and more in-depth news about the show.
The awesome How to Do the Pot podcast included Diana not once, but TWICE, dishing on a couple of her favorite podcasts. Host Ellen Scanlon pairs those recommendations with excellent strain ideas.
Diana is guest editor once again of CannaCurious magazine’s Spring issue. There is still time to purchase ads!
Where In the World Is Vee?, a travel segment featuring the latest adventures of travel writer Vee Castillo is narrated and curated by Dominique Tossie, is returning in season 8.
We-re #5 in the Top 100 Alternative Health Monthly chart on Goodpods - which is like Goodreads for podcasts.
Our sister podcast Getting Personal With Plant Medicine is exploring deeply personal stories around alternative therapies.
Our fabulous sponsor,, is offering 10% off all non-sale items with the code YHPOD.
Until next time, stay high and beautiful. :)