When last we saw our Gen 2 class, they were still just opening their eyes (leaves?) to the world. The idea of who they were and what they would become was still too far into the future to truly conceptualize. The only thing that we knew was they would hold great things, the power to unlock the mysteries of healing through their essence. But where are they now? Are they bigger? Are they stronger? Are they herbier? The answers are here. Now, we follow up on the journey of Gen 2: Bigger, Stronger, Herbier. Buckle up - it’s going to be a not at all bumpy ride because they are still fully reliant on staying in one place.
The Wormwood of the bible may be the destroyer of worlds, but this little buddy is truly the creator of life. We noticed soon after the first installment that it wasn’t doing so well. Its leaves were dropping, and we noticed some browning towards the stem. For days we worried, feeling helpless as the wormwood slowly got worse no matter what we did. Finally, the only thing we could do was comfort it during its last days. Then, one morning, we woke to seeing fresh green leaves pulling themselves up from the despair it once held. This little one is truly a fighter and will do what it has to in order to survive. It may not be leader of the pack, but the scrappiness held within its roots will be an asset to this class.  Â
Sage surprised me. Sage is well known, but this one has fully grown in humble nature. Not looking to overshadow the others, it has kept to itself knowing that it doesn’t need to prove its worth by its size. It sits and ponders how its kind has helped so many through past generations and is content in just appreciating those around it. Sometimes I watch it hanging back, as if just looking at those others growing and fully appreciating all the different herbs around it. While it may not fully interact with all of the others, it still feels like part of the family – especially when concerning the catnip.
Some herbs are brought to parties, and other herbs bring the party. Catnip is bringing the party. A true extrovert, this fun-loving herb is fully getting into the mix. It is growing tall and is always making sure to check in on all the others. It is placed next to the sage, and it has been fun watching the relationship build between the two. The strong extroverted nature of the catnip has been welcomed by the more introverted nature of the sage. Truly an odd couple that has built an incredibly strong friendship.
The first to spring from the hollowed depths below, the mugwort has shown itself as the true leader of the group. It has grown tall and has used its deep roots back to medieval herbalism to really shine. It reaches out to the others as if to ensure that they know they are protected. Mugwort has truly become the Leonardo of this teenage group, being steadfast but of calm mind. Where I once worried that it held great self-importance, I have found that this herb has grown to be one to think of others before itself. I am excited to watch it continue to grow, and later heal many.
Saint John’s Wort
Saint John’s Wort rocketed from its elemental birthing habitat ready to party. While it still has that exuberance for a fun time, it has taken to the guidance of the mugwort. Looking up to mugwort as an older sibling, the younger wort has taken some time to allow its quick sprout time to really fill out. Constantly looking up to its older wort for advice, it has started to take on some of the simple mannerisms of the mugwort. Still, it holds on to that sense of adventure, and its reckless energy still lets loose from time-to-time.
One of the youngest of the group, this little one still remains young at heart. It holds onto a shy innocence, as if it is still unsure of how to interact with the others. Often times looking away from its peers, it struggles to see its place in the group. But it still has time to grow. Even if it wasn’t one of the last to spring forth the great void of the beneath, everything has to be allowed to grow in its own time. I look forward to seeing the day it fully joins the others of Gen 2 in community and sees how much of a gift to the world it is.
Butterfly Pea
You heard it!! This herb wasn’t in part one. After the first attempt in Generation 1, we thought that it wasn’t meant to be after a solid amount of time had passed in the development of Gen 2. Then, after days and days of being imprisoned in the shadow realm of lost plant souls, it found the small circle of light above. It raced towards that light, and when it broke free, it stretched upward in victory. It reached and reached, growing taller than the older echinacea it sits beside. This little one truly has a thirst for life and desire to know all the world has to hold. It is my hope that it will help the echinacea come out of its metaphorical shell a little.
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm has remained the most consistent to the herb I first met. Very careful. Very calculated. It started its journey into the world that houses our daily lives by taking its time to really fill out before reaching towards the stars. While it has grown bigger, it has done so by growing as a whole, and building a solid foundation to spread out. Still, with such a solid foundation, it is held very tight within itself, as if it is carrying the weight of the world. I know that it truly wishes to heal all those who call earth home, but it can still take some time to embrace the existence of the wind itself and find the calm in the breeze. I hope that it lets itself reach for the stars, even if just a little.
What will happen next? When will this generation be ready to enter out into the world and start healing it. Follow along for the answers in The Herb Chronicles and watch the continued growth of our Herb Gen 2: Bigger, Stronger, Herbier. Â