Hello Higher Humans,
Do you have a Fave Pot/Fave Not Pot you want to share with the world? Record your selection and email it to yourhighnesspodcast@gmail.com, and we’ll feature you in an upcoming episode.
May is AAPI Heritage Month, which is when Sysamone Phapone and Eunice Kim first launched an education initiative focusing on accessibility. Listen to their collaborative journey in episode 8.04 of Your Highness Podcast.
Issue 8 of CannaCurious is here! Order now!
Do you need help feeling sexy this Spring? Our sister podcast Getting Personal with Plant Medicine will feature the science behind sex and psilocybin, with Psilouette and Flora and Bast founder Derek Chase. There is also a companion article on Medium listing Diana’s favorite plant medicine sexual health aides.
Dr. Peter Grinspon recently joined Diana on Your Highness to talk about his new book and the complexities of being a cannabis user in a medical setting.
Our 4/20 event was a huge success! There were so many awesome giveaways and prizes from Love You Three, Potency 710, Stashlogix, The Healing Rose, Mitragaia, and Treatibles. If you were lucky enough to be on the receiving end of a prize or sample, take a few minutes to review the brands online!
We are now offering individual episode sponsorships, as well as 3 or 6-episode allotments. If you have a small marketing budget and want more visibility globally, we have very affordable options. Email yourhighnesspodcast@gmail.com for more information!