Hello higher-minded humans,
We really love a drinkable way to consume plant medicine - not only is it fun to brew and mix and create new combinations, it’s an easy way to control dosages. If you listened to our kava episode, you know why it's a daily drink in our house, but now you get to see how it’s prepared. And if you saw our kombucha fail post, you know it’s been a journey learning how to brew. Luckily, there have been some delicious batches that pair nicely with Sprig.
We love all of the flavors of Sprig, and the crisp, refreshing taste that mixes well with a lot of other beverages (and is really delicious alone). And Sprig drinks are made with high-quality ingredients and sourced from California-grown cannabis. They’re offering a special 15% discount for podcast listeners using code “YOURHIGHNESS” at checkout.
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