In the debut episode of the "How to Talk to Kids" series, hosts Diana Krach and Maggie Wilson talk to Melany Kahn, the author of Mason Goes Mushrooming. They delve into mushroom foraging and mycophobia, offering strategies to make these concepts engaging and accessible for children. Kahn also shares unique ideas, such as creating art with non-edible mushrooms, overcoming texture issues while cooking, and keeping track of mushroom findings.
(01:15 - 02:21) Plant Medicine and Kids With Guests
(05:27 - 06:03) Understanding Mycophobia
(08:02 - 10:18) Understanding Spore Prints in Mycology
(17:35 - 18:40) Connecting Generations Through Mushroom Foraging
(27:43 - 30:12) Importance of Mycology in Everyday Life
Series: Talking to Kids About Mushrooms and Foraging